Orchard Farm LLC
244 Gleaner Chapel Rd
North Scituate, RI 02857
From North
Route 95 South to Route 295 South. Take exit 6, Route 6 West Hartford/Foster. Follow approx 6 miles to Route 101. IGA Plaza will be on your right. At fork bear right, continue on Route 6 traveling over reservoir. At fork bear right, Route 6 becomes Route 101. Take a right onto Gleaner Chapel Road (Faith Tabernacle Church is just before Gleaner Chapel). Sunset Orchard Farm is 1/2 mile on the left at top of hill.
From South
Route 95 North to 295 North. Take exit 6, Route 6 West. Then follow above directions as if coming from North.
From East
Route 195 West to Route 95 North. Take second exit, Route 10 Downtown/Hartford. Stay to left side of exit. At bottom of exit merge left. This is Route 10, follow to Route 6 split and stay right. Follow until 295 North. Take first exit, Route 6 Hartford/Foster. Precede with above first directions as if coming from north.
From West
Coming from Connecticut follow Route 6 East until arriving at the intersection of Route 6 and 102. Take a left onto Route 102 heading north toward Route 101. Turn right onto Route 101. Continue approx 3 miles on Route 101. Gleaner Chapel Road is first left AFTER Scituate Nurseries. Sunset Orchard Farm is 1/2 mile on the left at top of hill.